If you have had an accident and your insurance company is covering the cost of the restoration, you might not think it matters which technique the auto body shop uses to remove the dents. You might only care when it comes to out-of-pocket repairs. The reality is that you should care regardless of who is covering the cost. Paintless dent repair is the preferred technique for eliminating dents for a variety of reasons.
- Turnaround time- Even if the insurance company is paying, do you want to go without your vehicle for days while body parts are swapped or repaired and new paint is applied? If you need your vehicle back fast, consider paintless dent repair instead, as it takes far less time.
- No issues with paint matching- While paint matching technology has improved drastically in recent years, not all body shops invest in the equipment needed to get a perfect match. If you want to avoid the possibility that you’ll have a two-tone vehicle, go with paintless dent repair that doesn’t require any painting at all.
- Cost effective- Your insurance company might even request paintless dent repair. If you aren’t filing a claim or don’t have sufficient coverage to have your vehicle repaired, you can save money by going with cost-effective paintless dent repair.
- Appearance- If you’ve been putting off resolving a few minor dings and dents, you can proceed and get your vehicle back to its former glory with little effort and at a reasonable price. Don’t let a “bumpy” vehicle affect your confidence or reputation!
If you would like to learn more about paintless dent repair, reach out to us at JB Tintz & Dent Repair. We can give you a customized quote so you know what to expect. By keeping your vehicle’s factory finish intact, you needn’t worry about any of the pitfalls of traditional dent repair. Contact us today with any questions you might have or to make an appointment so we can amaze you!