There is a reason why auto insurance companies sometimes provide a discounted premium for those who store their vehicles in garages. They know the toll that the elements can take on an exposed vehicle, especially during a hail storm. Even if you have a garage, there is still the chance of a hail storm catching you off guard. It can be a stressful experience, but it will be easier if you know what to expect with hail damage repair.
The first thing to know is that you shouldn’t try to handle hail damage repair yourself. Most DIY methods can cause more damage than the hail did, and your insurance company isn’t going to cover the expense of resolving your mistakes. In fact, they might not even help you get a professional to resolve them because they know it’s harder for the body shop to do the hail damage repair if you’ve made it worse.
The next thing to know is that often hail damage repair isn’t a major process, as long as it’s handled by a professional. Paintless dent repair is often effective and doesn’t involve invasive bodywork. It is also the most cost-effective solution, which is helpful if you don’t have full coverage auto insurance and have to foot the bill yourself.
If you have fallen victim to hail damage in the Burnsville, Minnesota area and want a hail damage repair professional you can trust to restore your vehicle’s appearance, turn to us at JB Tintz & Dent Repair. With our service, warranty, and guarantee of excellence in workmanship and products, we are your best bet for paintless dent repair as the ideal solution for your hail damage repair situation.