Car Detailing vs. Car Washing: What’s the Difference?

HomeBlogCar Detailing vs. Car Washing: What’s the Difference?

Taking care of your car and keeping it in good condition isn’t easy. There’s lots to consider, from the wear and tear on the tires to getting inspections completed on time. If you’re busy buying replacement wiper blades and scheduling oil changes, the finer details may get forgotten, and dust and dirt may build up on both your car’s interior and exterior. If you find your car looking a little less bright than before, don’t worry! Car detailing can easily help you restore your vehicle to a beautiful, like-new state.

Car Detailing vs. Car Washing: What’s the Difference?

What Is Car Detailing?

Car detailing is all about restoring your vehicle to the beautiful, clean state it was in when you bought it. This includes:

  • Interior upkeep, such as vacuuming, shampooing, and conditioning
  • Exterior upkeep, such as hand washing, repainting, and waxing

Car detailing is like a spa day for your vehicle. Once it’s through, you should have a car that is in pristine condition, both inside and out.

How Is Car Detailing Different from a Car Wash?

Car detailing and car washing both have the same goal of cleaning and restoring your vehicle. But they differ in their intensity. You can think of car detailing as the deep cleaning you give your house every spring. Most of the time, a lighter cleaning to get the dust off will do, but occasionally, you really need to give your home, and your vehicle, a good scrub.

Most car washes are done by machine, which can give your car a quick clean in a pinch. But our car detailing professionals will do more than simply wash your car. We’ll also focus on repairing any scratches in the paint and removing any stains from the interior, so when we’re finished, you can enjoy that “new car feeling” with your comfortably familiar ride.